domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Yann me entiende. Simple como un anillo.

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011


"Oh, ingeniería... Donde los nobles trabajadores semicualificados ejecutan la visión de aquéllos que piensan y sueñan. ¡¡Hola, Oompah Loompahs de la ciencia!!"

martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

Silly, I know I'm silly
Cause I'm hanging in this tree
In the hopes that she will catch a glimpse of me

And thru her window shade
I watch her shadow move
I wonder if she.......?

Will he or won't he want her?
No one knows for sure
But an officer is knocking at my door

And thru her window shade
I watch her shadow move
I wonder if she................could only see me?

Oh _____, I know you love me
Cause as they're draggin me away
I swear I saw her raise her hand and wave (goodbye)
que sos pelotudo eh!!!